League News
Winter Clinics are open
We had a great fall season with our fall indoor training. We did fill up early this year. Our Winter clinic sessions are now open.
Please register 1st for the spring season then we will send you the information for Winter clinics.
Fall Ball registration is open,
Early Bird Special
Sign up before Aug 7th and get a custom Jersey with your name and choice of number for 125.00 and join us for Sandlot summer baseball in Aug.
150.00 after Aug 7th with a regular jersey. CLICK HERE TO PAY AND REGISTER
Registration is Open
AGM new Date
We have moved the AGM to December 3rd at 6:30 if you would like to attend email layrtizpres@gmail.com
Off Season Training Starts November 3rd
Fall Ball 2023
We have formed two 15U teams and one 13U team for 2023. We are Leaving registration open Until September 9th for 15U and 13U players.
Graduating Little league players
Graduating players from Layrtiz Little League can play at their Park. Moving into BC minor Baseball is easy to register for 13U fall ball. If you live in North Langford you are grandfathered in to play at Layrtiz baseball.
Fall Registration is open. Click here to go to the form
Graduating Layrtiz Little league player ?
After graduating from Layrtiz Little League, players can continue playing at their home park. and, they also have the opportunity to move up to the larger field and play triple-A, double-AA, or single-A baseball at affordable prices.
If you live in North Langford, you can still play at Layrtiz.
If you have any questions, please send an email to layritzpres@gmail.com. Consider signing up for fall ball and giving it a try!
Layritz Hoodies
Order your Layritz gear now!
How it works:
Order before May 30th Stay warm this Spring and look like part of the team. Layritz Hoodies are in stock once again. To order CLICK HERE
Layritz Hoodies are in
The Hoodies are back in black…...
Stay warm this spring and look good doing it. Be part of the team. To order yours click here
Umpire Clinics 2023
If you are a returning umpire or are looking to become one, we have an update for you! Apologies for hitting up everyone’s inbox with this but we have had a lot of people express interest over the last few weeks and we want to ensure that nobody misses out. As everyone knows we struggle for umpires at every age group, the more people we can get certified the better! BCBUA, the organization that oversees certification within the province, has posted clinic registrations on their website www.bcbua.ca for Level 1 and Level 2 umpires. ALL umpires, new or returning, are required to renew their BCBUA membership each year. This membership puts you in good-standing with BCBUA and provides you the ability to register for free for the Level 1 & 2 clinics.
All NEW umpires must attend the Online and the In Person clinic.
Returning certified umpires are only required to write the online exams in order for certification each year so long as they are staying in the Level they are certified for.
All second year Level 2 umpires who did Defensive rules last year at the clinic must attend the Offence clinic this year in order to get their full Level 2 certification
The requirement for Level 3 and above is limited but should your umpire be interested it would be best to reach out to the local BCBUA rep for more info.
When you sign up/renew your membership on the BCBUA website you will then have access to see what clinics are available. As of TODAY for Victoria there are Level 1 clinics booked on Feb 25 & March 4 and Level 2 clinic on March 11. These in person clinics will cover both plate and base umpiring.
BCBUA membership fees will be reimbursed by your home park (with proof of receipt) after completing 4 games for us this spring.
Level 1 clinics are for those that are new to umpiring and those that will be umpiring at the 11U and 9U divisions (60’ diamonds with no leadoffs).
Level 2 clinics are for umpires that will be umpiring at the 13U and higher divisions. There are leadoffs and balks at these levels. Minimum age for level 2 is 14 years old. (BC Minor rules state that an umpire must be 1 division removed from the division they are umpiring i.e. must be 15U-aged to umpire at 13U division)
BCBUA Online Clinics – Registration Now Available!
Hi everyone. We’re pleased to confirm that the BCBUA online clinics are now available for registration. To access registration instructions, please log in and go to this page: https://bcbua.ca/2023-online-clinic-instructions
Clinic dates are as follows:
February 18 8:30 am
February 28 5:30 pm
March 11 8:30 am
March 28 5:30 pm
April 2 8:30 am
April 4 5:30 pm
BCBUA In Person Clinics – Registration Now Available!
Make sure you are logged in and then go here for more details: https://bcbua.ca/?fd=members&pg=clinics
Feb 25, 10-230 – level 1 – Colwood Community Hall Address: 2219 Sooke Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 1W8
March 4, 1230-5 – level 1 – Quadra Community Gym Address: 950 King’s Rd, Victoria, BC. V8T 2W6
March 11, 10-230 – level 2 – Colwood Community Hall Address: 2219 Sooke Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 1W8
If you have any questions please refer to the BCBUA website or your home parks Umpire in Charge.
Registration is open 13U 15U 18U baseball
Is is that time of year. Sign up now. Winter clincs for 13U and 15U are on going. Join us to have some fun and get some practice in.
Scholarship Opportunites.
Scholarship Opportunities.
Please be sure to remind any of your 2022 Grade 12 Graduates that the deadline to apply for a BCMBA Scholarship is September 30th. Remember, this can be a player or umpire who is currently a member of your association and participated in the 2022 Season.
Here is the link to the application;
It can also be found on our website;
BC Minor Baseball Association (BCMBA) is dedicated to assisting worthy applicants in their desire to attend post-secondary education. BCMBA may grant up to four (4) x $500.00 scholarships per year to any successful applicant who, for three or more years, has demonstrated proficiency in baseball or umpiring. The applicant must have played or umpired within an association that is a member in good standing with BC Minor Baseball Association.
Any questions regarding this opportunity should be directed to Raj Puri scholarship@bcminorbaseball.org
Fall Ball 2022
Fall Registration is Open. We have dropped the price in 2022.
So much for inflation Click Here to register
Wild Card Tournament
Layritz partners with Triangle to host the Provincial Wild Card Tournament. 4 teams and 2 teams make it through.
15UAA Update
There are 25 teams declared for the 2022 season. 16 lower mainland, 5 Island, 3 Interior and 1 north. As per Rule 8.09(E) the division will be split into two tiers (1&2) for the 2022 season. Season is set to start early April, with the Provincials being held July 28 – 30 in Richmond BC.
Registration Open
Winter clinics have started
Indoor training
Friday nights and Sunday afternoons are the days of the week for the Layrtiz Indoor training. Get ready for the AA assessments or work on your skills for any level of baseball. This is the time to do it. To register email Joseph @ layritzpres@gmail.com
Off season training
They are back!
Winter clinics off technical training and exercise. The clinics are designs to improve baseball mechanics and have some fun at the same time. The goal is to improve physical fitness and baseball skills.
Starting in early Nov. and ending in Late Feb. One weeknight and Sundays. for more information email layritzpres@gmail.com