Layritz Baseball

Challenger League
Victoria, BC

Layritz Baseball – Challenger League

What is Challenger Baseball?

Challenger Baseball gives children (ages 4-18) with cognitive or physical disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of playing baseball, being part of a team, developing physical and social skill plus all the benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities.

How it Works?

Just like conventional baseball, there will be components such as games and activities, drills and skills, modified games with modified equipment if needed. Players get to use a tee or the coach will pitch to them. There are no balls, strikes or outs. Everyone is safe at each base, one base at a time until the last batter who gets to clear the bases.

What’s a Buddy?

Able-bodied buddies are paired up with participants to assist the Challenger players with their involvement in the game. Pushing wheelchairs around the base path, assisting players in how to hold a bat and swing or catch. Parents or caregivers may want to participate as well – participants can bring their own buddies.

Want to be a Buddy?

Sign up below or email us at for more information.

When and Where?

There is one – hour long session on Saturday mornings. Spring season runs April through June and Fall runs September and October.

More Information

For more information, please visit the BC Challenger Baseball website using the link provided below.

Register : Click Here 


Challenger League Game
Challenger division baseball
Challenger baseball